My Week On "Vacation"

What a long week off...Reed was crazy and it was crazy hot! Went to Comic Con on Sunday...that was a nightmare. I will never do that again. It was so hot and packed...not my thing at all. During the week with Reed we hit up the bay a few times and Paradise Point. I came into work twice.  I went to my neighbors pre-k graduation party on Wednesday at this awesome place, Boardwalk in El Cajon. The place is awesome! Way better than Chuck-e-cheese and with a bowling alley!  Liked it so much that Robert and I went there this Saturday just him and I while my mom had Reed. We bowled. He beat me every time. When we pulled up there was a guy on the trolley tracks bridge above that was trying to jump off....there were cops everywhere...pretty crazy. Went to Dirks after that to dance...Kalvin who used to work at a radio station here, DJs there now on the weekend!  During the week I made the most epic purchase of my life. I bought this giant floating island from this chinese website for cheap. Randomly enough it showed up like 3 days after I ordered it so I was able to bust that bad boy out yesterday. We set up shop in front of my aunts beach house in South Mission. Our whole family was 40 of us. It was so so so much fun. Sat on the island with all my cousins....the island has a cooler in it so we had beer obviously. One of my cousins is paraplegic and he swims with his arms across the bay....I Went with some of my cousins and swam across the bay as a family which was amazing. here's a pic of the amazingness!

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