We're Off to Chicago

Yes The Show is off to Chicago right in the middle of one of the most violent times the city has ever faced.  Think good thoughts for us!  Seriously WTF....I rarely ever leave the west coast and they just happen to have a radio convention in Chicago which is making headlines for having one of the deadliest weekends last weekend.  But most likely we will be sticking to the tourist part of town and won't be exploring any of the inner city.  We will come back on Monday (fingers crossed) with tons of pictures and stories to share.

I found this picture on my phone the other day which made me excited for this trip to Chicago.  I LOVE my husband of 20 years more than life itself.  But when we traveled to Nor Cal a few weeks back and our hotel accidentally gave us double beds it was amazing!  I can't tell you how long it's been (if ever) that we slept in the same room but in different beds.  Looking at this picture makes me excited as a wife and mother to enjoy a hotel room all by myself for a few days.........

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