Sky's Old House - Kitchen & Master Bath

Yesterday was a super fun, positive and exciting day in the Sky's Old House project.  If you've ever done a major remodel on a house you know it is filled with it's up and down days.  Some days you are stoked that you are creating your dream home.  Other days it is the worst decision you've ever made and you have potentially bankrupt your family.  Highs and lows!  Yesterday was an awesome day cause we got to take a glimpse at our dream kitchen.  Like any good homeowner I am getting multiple quotes on everything.  Yesterday we went to Dixieline to get a quote on our new kitchen.  Dude....Diana over at Dixieline La Mesa blew me away with what she can do.  I left there skipping, so stoked about all our kitchen choices..............

But the universe needed to balance out my joy a bit.  Later in the day I was scrolling through the pictures on my phone.  The hubby and I share all our photos on one photostream and I noticed that he has just taken a picture of our current master bath.  Not the positive feeling I had leaving Dixieline, but we will get there!!!!!

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