To Jiu Jitsu or Not To Jiu Jitsu...THAT Is The Question :(

So, my son Reed has been practicing at Gracie Jiu Jitsu in La Mesa for about a year and a half now. He has at times loved it and at times just liked it and also at times said he didn't want to go. I absolutely love it. I love Jason who runs the program and teaches and the entire community there. It's the best.

Recently Reed has shown extreme interest in basketball. We have a hoop and he has been playing non-stop and is actually pretty good for not knowing much about it! I texted my friend whose son plays and the season at the Kroc Center starts next I signed him up! He's all pumped! It's 2 practices a week with one game as well. Now I am wondering if it's ok to take a Jiu Jitsu break for b-ball season or will he fall off of it completely? I thought I would put it out there to you guys to see if any of you have experienced anything like this.

You guys are the best. Any help is greatly appreciated! or DM me: @theshowemily on Instagram.

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