Sky's Old House - Framing Progress

I LOVE seeing progress at our Sky's Old House remodel project. I can't believe we have been working on this project for 9 months now...insane!!!! We got a massive delivery of lumber from Dixieline on Friday and then the framers came on Saturday and went to town. The hubby had been framing all the interior walls but when it comes to the massive sliding doors, bathroom addition, garage roof and support beam for the living room.....we decided to leave that up to the pros. It was so awesome to walk into the house yesterday and see all the work the did. The framing for our LaCantina Multislide doors is done..........

The framing for our new pool/guest bathroom is done.............

The majority of the prep work is done for the living room beam. As soon as the big beam is delivered we finally get to see our open concept kitchen. I can't believe there use to be a full wall here dividing the kitchen and living room..............

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