Sky's Old House - 2 Weeks Till Move-In

We are now just two weeks out from moving day! If you came to look at the Sky's Old House project you would probably say it looks like we are about two months from move-in. Even though that might be true, we will be moving in two weeks from today regardless. The hubby has been doing some crazy hours at the house. The hubby did not come home from the house until 2:30 this morning, he had been there since 9am yesterday. He got home just 15 minutes before I get up for work. So crazy!!!! Fingers crossed that one of us doesn't stroke out or have a heart attack in the next few weeks cause I feel that is a strong possibility.  Yesterday after I picked Lovelyn up from camp we went to the house to help. Normally her "helping" is her sitting on her swing in the yard or playing games on the phone. But yesterday she actually wanted to help. So the hubby explained to her what nail plates are and let her put some in. Hopefully the inspector will be impressed with her work...............

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