Sky's Old House - Tile Time

My emotions are all over the place right now with the Sky's Old House project. The highs are really high and the lows are super-psycho low. The highs are when I come to the job site and see progress. Most recently seeing the tile going in so beautifully makes me so freaking happy!!!! Our tile guys have been rocking it and doing an amazing job. The lows normally revolve around scheduling issues. We are now in temporary housing for 3 weeks to finish out the project. But there is one part of the project specifically (won't name names) that is going to put me in a padded room. This guy does amazing work but I swear his timeline changes each time we talk. And I have 2 other trades waiting behind him to do their job. So each time he gives me a new timeline it f***s up the other guys and then I look like the a**hole having to go back to them and change their date again. Guess this is why people hire general contractors to organize all this stuff. But like I was telling my hubby last night, even though we are so mentally, physically and financially drained we are also so close to the finish line! So I just need to focus on the positive like our beautiful new tile and keep my fingers crossed that we will move in soon................

Sky's Old House - Tile Time

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