Sky's Old House - Guest Bath Tile

Things are moving along at a good pace at Sky's Old House. I say "good pace" like we aren't 4 months past our original move-in date. Even though it has been over a year since we started this process I am actually in a bit of a positive state about our progress. I know to anyone who watches HGTV this remodel seems like it has taken forever. But the hubby and I have recently started to pay attention to other remodels in the area. And honestly we are twice as far along as projects being done by major companies that started at the exact time if not before. There is actually a house we looked at buying the same day we saw Sky's Old House for the first time and that project is currently down to walls, no roof, etc... So I keep trying to focus on things like that to stay positive. Something also keeping me positive is when I see progress at the house. Saturday they started to put the accent tile in the guest/pool bath. FYI - this is the guest/hall/pool bath for the guests that come to our house, the other two baths are attached to bedrooms. One person on social this weekend didn't understand why we were working on a guest house bathroom when our home isn't finished yet. LOL...not so much! So here is how it looked on Saturday and Sunday...........

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