Sky's Old House - Quartz Crazy

We had a bunch of Quartz counter tops put in the house. And I am going crazy! The crazy hit an all time high yesterday when we are planning on moving in Thursday and SDG&E tells me that it will be at least 6 weeks until we can hook up and run all our gas appliances. Who needs hot water and a furnace?!?!?!? Long story short we have been dealing with them for months for a gas meter upgrade. Guess the meter put in back in the 60's can't run 2019 appliances plus a pool heater. Months ago was told it was an easy process fill out this form, blah, blah, blah. Call a month ago to check up to find out they changed the rules and now in addition to the form you also need an inspector to sign off. 4 weeks ago we got the inspector to sign off so I decided yesterday let me call and just double check. FML....that is when I am told that the MAIN LINE supplying our house is not big enough and they will have to replace that which will take a minimum of 6 weeks! Oh and to add even more joy, per their computer our inspector never sent in the approval 4 weeks ago. Crazy is an understatement for my mental state right now. Hopefully we will get good news on this issue today.

Positive news, our Quartz counter tops are in. Wish I could have gotten some better pictures but I was snapping quickly trying not to get in the way of all the workers...........

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