The Hubby's Dress Shoes??????

My life has been a bit crazy lately. We finally move into Sky's Old House on our anniversary last Tuesday. I got to spend one night there and then I was off. We did two nights in LA for work. Then I drove home Friday afternoon to pack back up and fly out Friday evening to San Jose. They hubby and I were both born and raised in San Jose. My family has since migrated down to San Diego, but all of the hubby's family is still in SJ. Unfortunately we needed to up for a funeral. Within the last 5 years the hubby has lost his Mom and two Uncles, all from cancer and all in their early 50's. is on our to-do list to get both the hubby and our daughter tested for all the cancer genes they can currently test for. So on Friday I come home from LA, pack up myself and our daughter. I tell the hubby I am off to get her from school and he has now less than an hour to pack his bag. I return and he informs me that he has no clue where his dress shoes are. Since we are still 95% in boxes we start ripping open and dumping out boxes. But we run out of time and can't find them. When we get to SJ we plan on buying him new shoes but he didn't like any of the ones we found. He decided instead of buying new shoes he doesn't like he was going to buy a new shirt to go with his tennis shoes and rock it that way. With a bad haircut a few days before, losing weight so his suit doesn't fit right and the tennis was he a sight!!!!! Not sure he will be wining GQ Man of the Year in this outfit anytime soon...............

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