Twinkies Cereal Available In December

Hostess and Post Cereal collaborated to turn one of America's most loved snack cakes into a cereal and you'll be able to try it this December. Twinkies Cereal is expected to hit Walmart store shelves in late December and will set you back about $4 a box.

A company representative commented on the release, saying “In developing a cereal version of the iconic Twinkies, our top priority was focused on delivering the great Twinkies flavor in each bite,” said Josh Jans, Brand Manager of Cereal Partnerships at Post Consumer Brands. “Knowing that taste remains the No. 1 purchase driver of cereal, we conducted multiple consumer tests, and the new Twinkies Cereal delivered. We think fans will find that it not only tastes great with milk but also outside the bowl.”

Twinkies were introduced to the world in 1930 and originally had banana flavored cream. During the second world war bananas were rationed, so Hostess moved to vanilla flavoring.

Twinkies Cereal follows many other popular brand who now have a breakfast cereal like Donettes and Honey Buns.

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