Tool Tonight - My Picture With Maynard

Why didn't I post this yesterday for TBT???? The hubby and I are going to the Tool show tonight. We are so freaking excited. I actually got to meet and interview Maynard back in late 2008. To be honest he was a total dick. He was so cold and uninterested during our interview. It was so unnecessary and truly heartbreaking. Luckily I had been in the business long enough to not be surprised by a rock star who thinks they are so much better than you that they don't have to treat you like a decent human. It was just super upsetting that it happened to be a rock star that I really enjoyed. After that interview I had friends tell me they will never support anything Maynard does again cause he was such a dick to me. I even told them at the time that I don't think I can do the same. Yes it was a bummer. Yes I took a good break from listening to Tool and APC music. But honestly they make great music, they are one of my husbands favorite bands so what are you gonna do. Writing this blog has seriously just made me less excited for the show tonight. But I know when they hit the stage and that first note hits all will be forgiven again! Hope to see you out at the show..........

Maynard from TOOL

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