Mass UFO Sightings In Detroit & Cleveland Spark Covid-19 Conspiracy [VIDEO]

Videos captured in both Detroit, Michigan and Cleveland, Ohio show several flying objects in the night sky. As observers captured the objects flying over their neighborhood on their phones, they questioned whether the current "Stay At Home" orders are really about the coronavirus pandemic, or about concealing UFO activities.

The footage was captured on consecutive nights, Detroit on April 3, and Cleveland on April 4. The videos taken in two different cities, show a very similar cluster of objects and flight pattern.

Since the videos have gone public on websites like, numerous people from all over the world have added comments about seeing something very similar in their area. While many at first thought it might be the International Space Station, they changed their minds when they witnessed the object maneuvering at 45-degree angles and a rapid speeds.

Witnesses in other U.S. cities and the UK, have commented about the sightings:

  • “I saw the exact same thing this morning in Stoke-on-Trent UK..."
  • “I saw it in Missouri tonight”
  • “This is all happening simultaneously, they’re watching our demise, because of this coronavirus lock down, the world economy will collapse”
  • “I think disclosure will happen soon. So many UFOs are being filmed all over the world”

WARNING: Videos contain offensive language.

NASA Image Seems To Show Alien Structure On Asteroid

The space agency actually pointed out the object in the caption for their own photo.

UFO Squadron Hovering Over Yuma Caught On Video

A video published on January 20, 2020 shows six brightly lit UFOs hovering over an area in Yuma, Arizona. The objects are shown hovering in formation, suspended in mid-air, and not moving or falling.

UFO Sightings Almost Double In 2019

The National UFO Reporting Center says almost 6,000 sightings were reported last year in North America but the reason why is not clear.

Video Shows UFO Hovering Over Homes In Southern California

Just north of San Diego in Menifee, over 100 people reported seeing a UFO hovering over homes in their area for 5 minutes before it sped away. The object was videotaped by an eyewitness.

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