My Trip To The "Trailer Palace!"

This trip popped up in my memories. 8 years ago today Robert and I took one of our 1st trips since Reed. We went and stayed at a place called Hicksville Trailer Palace. It's a sort of secret spot that is AMAZING and it right outside of Joshua Tree. On the way there we stopped at a place called Pappy and Harriets in Pioneer Town. Check out pictures from out trip below.

This was from this weird art installation in the middle of nowhere! It was wild!

This was out little trailer that we rented. "The Pony" Each trailer has a name. It was $75 a night...BUT you get to do all of the fun stuff on the property.

It was just Robert and I at the "resort" and then a big group of chicks showed up for a bachelorette party! They were from LA and I became friends with them immediately. I mean...look at that girls inflatable dong. Ahahaha.

Here are some more pics from that art installation in the middle of the desert.

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