Anniversary Gifts & Celebration

I am happy to report that yesterday my 20th wedding anniversary went very well. I'm sure for most people they would look at it like an average boring day, but for me it was perfect. Got home, had a light lunch with the hubby, worked in the garden a bit, read, took a nap, went for a walk with the family, went in the pool and spa with the family, ordered some nice take out, talked real estate with the hubby, watched Big Brother and was in bed by 9pm......PERFECTION! But there was a moment when I could tell I made the hubby nervous. After dinner when I told him that I got him a little something. He had given me flowers earlier in the day but I could tell that he felt bad cause he wanted to fix or replace my broken wedding ring but I've lagged on pulling the trigger. So I see in his face that he is now worried that I have gotten him some kick ass gift and he has only given me flowers. That is when he opens two of the ugliest sun hats ever made and I can see the relief on his face. He has worn his old sun hat (similar to these) for years and it is now the most disgusting item in our home. So I got him a new one plus an upgraded one (with neck protection) for those real long sunny days....super cool! The hubby and I have a romantic dinner out planned for Saturday night. But for me yesterday was just perfect.

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