I can remember clearly being 10 years old and going to a swap meet with my family. I came across a booth that had some music stuff. I liked the design of this one necklace. It was the VH logo. So with my own money, I bought it as well as a purple velcro wallet with the design on it. I also bought this pin that I still have to this day. The man at the booth then showed me an album that would change my life forever. He sold me the 1984 album. I went home and listened to it and was hooked. I immediately went out and bought Van Halen I and then was really sold. It wasn't David Lee Roth that sold me. It was Eddie Van Halen. I couldn't believe my ears. That somebody could do that with a guitar. I've seen Van Halen in concert many, many times. I actually touched the neck of his guitar once. It was a religious experience. He is an incredible musician. He is a classically trained pianist as well as being the greatest guitar player of all time. I truly loved the man. I can't really say that about any other musician. He will truly be missed.