At the end of 2008 I was asked to play in a "celebrity" charity poker tournament. I was all about it and could pick any charity I wanted. We were still living in Escondido at the time so I picked the Escondido Humane Society. The grand prize was $5K to the winners charity. The day of the tournament the Humane Society sent me the below picture to wish me luck. I immediately fell in love with the cat in the picture. I went home and talked to the hubby about getting him. The hubby said NO WAY! We already had two cats and he was the litter box cleaner. I was sad. We get to the tournament and I am one of only two women there and most of the "celebrities" were local sports guys. The hubby jokingly tells me I have no chance. I say "if I win this whole thing, can I then have the cat?". He laughs and says "sure" with a condescending tone. So guess who wins the whole thing? Me. Guess who gets the cat? Me. Guess which cat ends up being a total a-hole? This one. Guess which cat eventually ends up abandoning our family and choosing to live with the neighbor instead? This one..........