I've recently become obsessed with those viral videos of neglected dogs being rescued. One came up in my Facebook feed and once I watched it now like every other post I see is one of these videos. I told the hubby the other day that I want to adopt another dog but one that has special needs like it has one leg or is a senior. I know, these videos have made me feel like I need to buy a ranch and save all neglected animals. Anyway, my point is when our friend/comedian/actor Jay Mohr came in with his two dog the other day my heart melted. He brought his cute little teddy bear looking puppy and then he also brought his toothless, deaf, with tongue hanging out dog. Guess which one I gravitated to...........
Make sure you listen or enter online to win tickets to our big comedy show Saturday 10-23 with headliner Jay Mohr. Hope he brings his dogs!