I Solved Our Homework Problem!

Because of Reed's IEP, he is able to get help with his homework at school most days of the week, except Tuesdays. On Tuesday he has to do it at home and I have to be the one to help him, and he needs a ton of help...basically a lesson. Well, I am NOT the best person for that job for many reasons and we fight every time. I had remembered that P1's reached out during the pandemic to tell me about their tutoring company and so I emailed them. We set up a virtual tutoring session and yesterday was his first. Akshat, his tutor, was GREAT! Reed finished his work, was responsive, they chatted about non school stuff, and Reed said how great it was after!

I HIGHLY recommend them...this is not and ad BTW. You can reach them HERE

The cost is around $55 per hour so a 30 min zoom would be $27.50 and a 45 min zoom would be $41.25. Reed did a 30 minute Zoom.

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