VIDEO: Police Pull Guns On 4 Year Old Who Stole Doll - Mayor Apologizes

The mayor of Phoenix apologized to a family who said that police drew guns on them after an alleged shoplifting incident at a Dollar Store last month involving their 4 year old little girl who stole a doll.

"I, like many others, am sick over what I have seen in the video depicting Phoenix police interacting with afamily and young children," Mayor Kate Gallego said in a statement.

"It was completely inappropriate and clearly unprofessional. There is no situation in which this behavior is ever close to acceptable. As a mother myself, seeing these children placed in such a terrifying situation is beyond upsetting. I am deeply sorry for what this family went through, and I apologize to our community."

The parents of the little girl are filing a lawsuit against the city. Here's the scary scene.

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