San Diego Responds To Asian Hate Crimes

Violence and discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have been rising throughout the pandemic.

In the wake of a shooting that left six Asian women dead in Georgia, the topic of justice and protection for communities around the country is at the forefront in America.

In a speech by President Joe Biden on the one-year mark of COVID-19 being classified as a global pandemic, he spoke out against the hate against the APPI community.

"At this very moment, so many of them, our fellow Americans, are on the front lines of this pandemic trying to save lives and still — still are forced to live in fear for their lives just walking down streets in America," he said.

Local San Diego leaders are also doing their part to respond to the rise in hate crimes.

"Hate and violence are intolerable," said Supervisor Nathan Fletcher in a statement. "The tragic events in Georgia and throughout this pandemic against our Asian and Pacific Islander neighbors is unconscionable."

Mayor Todd Gloria also spoke out saying "I stand with the San Diego API (Asian Pacific Islander) Coalition in condemning hate and violence against the Asian Pacific Islander community. We must #StopAAPIHate"

Several events are being held on Friday, March 19, in solidarity with the AAPI community and the victims of racist violence including a rally at Waterfront Park and a mass to honor the victims of AAPI hate at The Immaculata.

Photo: Getty Images

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