Proof Of COVID Test Or Vaccination Required For Indoor Gatherings In CA

The California Department of Public Health recently announced indoor gatherings with certain restrictions will be allowed again starting April 15.

However, people will be required to get a COVID-19 test or show proof of being fully vaccinated before attending an indoor reception, meeting, or conference.

The capacities at indoor gatherings will depend on a county's tier level.

Counties in the red tier can host up to 50 people outdoors, but that capacity increases to 200 guests if everyone in attendance is tested for COVID-19 or shows proof of being fully vaccinated.

For indoor gatherings, the capacity is limited to 100 people and everyone is required to be tested or prove they are fully vaccinated.

People who work in the events industry say the new guidelines may be tough.

"My couples, some of them have struggled with that, because they feel like they can't enforce vaccines, they can't enforce proof of anything from their guests, but other couples have been like, ‘You know what, we got this, we can make it work’," San Diego wedding and events planner, Suher Haidar, told NBC7.

Despite these new rules, state health officials still discourage attending large gatherings at home unless everyone there is vaccinated. They also recommend limiting informal gatherings to three households.

Photo: Getty Images

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