CAUGHT!!! Usually when you ditch school you're supposed to keep a low profile. Somehow this young Cubs fan hasn't learned quite how to ditch school, yet.
Tucker Steadman is a fourth grader at Wells Elementary School in East Moline and he decided to skip school and attend the Cubs home opener with his parents. Steadaman even brought his own sign that proclaimed: "Skipping school.... shhhh. Don't tell Principal Versluis"
The photograph even fell into the hands of the Major League Baseball itself and was tweeted to 8.3 million followers.
Of course right after the picture was taken, Tucker ran into his principal Pat Versluis at the game.
“I didn’t want him to see me either,” he said. “I’m here with my son, Aiden, who’s in fifth grade and I called out sick for the day!”
“I didn’t want him to see me either,” he said. “I’m here with my son, Aiden, who’s in fifth grade and I called out sick for the day!”