

Eddie Pappani is host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.


The Taco Pocket

I have been joking with Jack for a couple of years about the infamous taco pocket. Whenever I ask him what he had for lunch at school, I will always say, was it a taco pocket? He told me once they had a taco pocket and I laughed because I have no clue what that is. He says they are good but they only have them every once in a while. We were literally joking about it this weekend and it declared that he would put a ziplock in his bag and grab me one the next time they had them. Well low and behold, they had taco pockets yesterday! But Jack hadn't put the ziplock in his bag yet. So he asked a friend if he could have his ziplock when he was done with his chips so he could bring his Dad one! Pretty cool. I don't know how I feel about the used ziplock, but I am excited to have my first school taco pocket later today.

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