The fun started with one of our favorite things to do...a hotel staycation! And OMG!! We changed it up from the usual Bay water front hotels and went downtown. I have never been to the historic Westgate hotel and was blown away! The lobby is incredible and my son Reed nailed it right when we got there saying that it was just like the Titanic (luckily we were on dry land though!)
Check our room out...we got a suite and it was insane!
My mom stopped by for a glass of bubbles :)
There were 4 balconies!!!
Yesterday was my actual birthday and we met my family for lunch. I'm so bummed I didn't get any pictures from lunch except this one I took of myself just so that I could see what the gold chain my sister gave me looked like...and I loved it!
We finally got home yesterday and found a bunch of decorations out front from my nice neighbor's Jen and Chilli Dog Tim.