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6 Ways To End A Bad Date Without Being An A-Hole

Have you ever had a date so bad that it made you want to delete each and every one of your dating apps?  Not all dates go as planned and sometimes you just have no chemistry with someone. 

So when you find yourself in a date situation like this, the question is: How to get out of the date without coming off as a complete a-hole.

Good news!  we have six tips guaranteed to work.  There is no guarantee that you date won't be angry or hurt in the process, but you can guarantee that it will put an end to the date quickly without being a total a-hole.  Here we go:

1. Have a pre-date phone call

Yes, that means you'll actually speak to each other on the phone. Most millennials hate to do this but the best way to find out if you have zero chemistry with a person is to actually speak to them on the phone before going out on a date. If the phone conversations go south then there is no need to even see them in person.

2. Go On a Non-Date

One of the best ways to avoid a bad date altogether is to arrange a platonic first meeting.  Make it casual, have coffee, and make sure you have a way out before you even meet with the person so you have no obligation to stay that way you don't waste your money or time getting dressed up, sitting in traffic and ordering drinks for someone that you aren't even compatible with.

3. Be Direct, Polite and Positive.

Part of the fun of online dating is that you never know what type of personality you are going to get and if you've ever actually met up with someone that you met online, you should already know that they aren't going to look a whole lot like their profile photos.

If you do end up on a date with someone whom you suspect has used a very old photo of themselves or even a photo of someone else, it's best not to call them out on it.  Just sit back and try and enjoy the evening.  If you suspect that they might be more attracted to you than you are to them then perhaps just be honest with them and say something like "I'm not sure I feel a compatibility between us, but I have a friend that you might really like."

4. Establish A Solid Back-Up Plan

If your date doesn't take kindly to your direct approach or is showing some serious red flags, perhaps they seem a little mentally unstable, or if they keep trying to get you to go somewhere alone with them is when you should have a friend send the "emergency"text to give you an out.  Is this original? Not at all.  Will your date catch on to this?  Probably.  But in some cases when that person isn't picking up on your signals or doesn't appreciate your direct approach, it's perfectly okay to turn to your last resort.

Didn't get enough tips?  Read all 6 tips at

Photo: big stock photography

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