If you didn't know my daughter's elementary school has a gala every year to raise money for the school. Each year the gala has a theme. This years theme is Steampunk. I had to Google steampunk cause I had no clue what it really was. So then we started thinking about our costumes. The hubby declared that he wanted to make some sort of arm piece that he had seen on the internet. I said "totally" but figured he would just buy something and throw it together at the last minute. The boo has his brother in town this week and they both love to tinker. So they spent the last two days going around the county to different hardware stores, second hand stores and antique stores to get their supplies to make this arm piece. They then locked themselves in the garage until it was done. I think I might have lost an old purse and belt to this project but I am actually pretty impressed........
Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.