

Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.


Complaint Filed

Why do I get joy from the strangest things????  Ever since we had those crazy rains a month or so ago there had been this crazy pothole on my way to work.  I driver around this bad boy each day and must look like a mad woman to other drivers when I swerve to avoid this gaping hole in the ground.  Recently I had heard the the City of SD got a new app called Get It Done to make it easier for people to report (complain) about a variety of things.  So after doing my NASCAR swerve again at 3:45 this morning I decided I am going to fire up this new app and give it a try.  It was so easy to use.  And after posting my "report" I found just looking at other peoples complaints fascinating.  There is even a section where you can look at the pictures people post along with their complaints.

Now the fun really begins........How long till they repair the pothole?  For some reason I believe they will get it done this week.  Am I crazy for thinking that????  We shall see.  I am the Ruffin Rd report........

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