Little baby Sky came into the world in October of 1977. Fun fact, I was scheduled to be a Halloween baby but of course just like life now I always have to show up early! All my family is from New York. Back in the early 70's my parents moved to San Jose as a job transfer for my Dad with IBM. But the rest of the family stayed in New York. My Dad's mom (Lorraine) had never been on a plane in her whole life and had a serious fear about it. But she made the plane trip all the way to CA to meet me!!!! Here is a picture of my Grandma Lorraine, baby Sky, brother Joey and my Mom back in 1977. I am a very lucky gal to come from a long line of wonderful mothers..............
Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.