

Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.


Friday Night Date Night!!!!!

Who is this crazy lady????  I actually went out on a Friday night.  I never go out on Fridays.  By the end of the work week I am a mess from getting up at 3am each morning.  So I almost NEVER make plans on Fridays.  But this group that the hubby and I love we coming to town on a Friday night so I made an exception to my no fun Friday rule.  We arranged a sleep over for our daughter and went out to dinner and the show.  The group was Marian Hill and the show was at the North Park Observatory.  AMAZING!!!!!  I was worried we might be the oldest ones there but luckily their were people of all ages at the show.  Had such a fun time it was making me rethink my no fun Friday rule.

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