

Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.


My 4th of July Dish

Our friend and celebrity chef Richard Blais is coming in today to judge another food competition between The Show.  The challenge is to make a 4th of July dish.  Something that you would be proud to bring to a 4th of July BBQ.  I was at friends BBQ this weekend where they had the most amazing cornbread.  It was made with honey from their own bee boxes in their backyard.  When we left the BBQ we were gifted a jar of their honey.  So I decided I will make my own cornbread with this honey as a secret ingredient.  I also decided to spice it up a bit by making it a jalapeno cornbread.  I made a plain one for the family and the jalapeno one for the contest today.  I hope it isn't too spicy!!!!  Fingers crossed..........

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