Was excited this morning to see that it is International Cat Day. It is also National Zucchini Day but we will focus on Cat Day!!!!!!!!! I love cats. When me and my brother were about 10 my parents let us get our first cats. I have been a cat lady ever since. So when the hubby and I moved in together we got a cat. He was my first true child. About a year later we got him a friend and those were our boys for years! When the boys were about 10 years old we added a little female kitten to the mix. Realized at that point I am not a fan of female cats. Is that sexist? Anyway. Our boys have since gone on to kitty heaven. And our female cat decided to go live with our neighbors who feed her tuna and let her sleep in their bed. So besides the occasional visit from our old bitch cat, we have been cat-less for 4 years now. I miss my boys.........
Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.