My family recently has been trying this food prep order service called Green Chef. It is just like all the other services you have heard of except all of the ingredients are organic. We have been enjoying it. The food is really yummy. Only bummer is the cook/prep time normally takes us over an hour vs the half hour they claim it should take. But from talking to people it sounds like this is the deal with all these services. Here is the meal we made last night.........
This is my hubby's plate. He wanted me to make it exactly how the chef intended when I told him that I planned to scramble my egg. Such an elitist!!!! But then when he noticed how runny the yolk was he asked me to give it a flip and cook it a bit more. What happened to "as the chef intended"????
Here is my delightful plate. And yes for those observant foodies we left out the eggplant and went with a side of broccoli instead.