

Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.


Early Morning Picture

Our 7 year old daughter is obsessed with Snapchat.  It started with her loving to take pictures.  Then she discovered a free app that would put animal faces on pictures.  Then one day and older kid showed her the filters on Snapchat and she was hooked.  We held off for about a year allowing her to play with Snapchat.  But we caved in a few months ago and allowed to her start playing with the filters but she is not allowed to post anything.  So each day she checks to see if there is a new filter and plays with it.  This past Sunday was our 17th wedding anniversary.  We went out Saturday night and didn't get to bed till around 2:30 in the morning.  Sunday morning I was tired and hungover and all I want is a big cup of coffee.  But Lovelyn is excited cause it is our anniversary.  So she points the camera and me and takes a picture.  Next thing I know she is texting this photo to the hubby who is just down the hall.  I can't even imagine what this girl will be up to when she is 16.

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