Ever since I was a baby my parents (really my Mom) has gotten me a new ornament each year. The ornament will either reflect something that went on in my life or some big world event from that year. After I got married and moved out my Mom gave me all my old ornaments. We were decorating the tree the other night and I laughed out loud when I came across my ornament from 1999. This was the year that I got hired as a full time employee at the radio station. My Mom found a pen (yes this thing is a pen) of a frizzy haired girl listening to a discman (#so1999). She took a little string and made a badge around my neck to try and look like the security badge I would wear to work that said "Sky" on it. My Mom is the best!
Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.