I have never been a name brand girl. I don't care who made my peanut butter, jeans, shoes, coffee....as long as I like it, that is all I care about. So the other day I was reading a magazine when I saw this article about this new website called Brandless. You get amazing deals on high quality products, only catch is that there is no brand name attached. I guess they reached some deal where they can sell the exact same product as the big name companies they just can't put the name brand on it and they can't sell the stuff in traditional groceries stores. One of the things I love is that most of their stuff is organic and non-GMO. The pricing is crazy. It is $3 for everything. So if it is a cheaper item then you get like a 2 pack for $3. Shipping on your first order is crazy cheap so the hubby and I decided to give it a try. Our order arrived yesterday and it looks great! We have already tried a few things and been super happy. Figured I would share just in case something like this could help our your family too! https://brandless.com/ Here is what we ordered and I was so happy to finally be able to get rid of that Crisco Coconut Oil that I didn't trust..........
Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.