Everyone meet Ronnie & Zoli. They were my best friends for a few years towards the end of elementary school. My best friend when I was little was a girl named Carrie who lived two doors down. Carrie and I would always play at the house across the street. That was Ronnie & Zoli's house. They were a sweet older couple that were never able to have children of their own. But Ronnie was one of those loving amazing sweet women that just would have made the best mom ever! So they loved having Carrie and I over. We would bake. Put on performances for them. Ronnie would let us play dress up with all her stuff. So fun. But then at the end of 3rd grade Carrie and her family moved to Oregon. At that point for the next year or so my new besties were just Ronnie & Zoli. Around middle school I started hanging with a new group of kids and became too cool for baking and dress up. A few years later Ronnie & Zoli moved away too. We visited them once in Arkansas and my parents kept in touch with them till they passed. Here is a picture we took one day when they had my family over for dinner..........
Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.