I stumbled across this picture the other day while trying to clean out some stuff. My mom took this picture in our backyard right before we headed out to my high school graduation ceremony. Fun fact about Sky, I did my final semester of my senior year at a junior college. I had recently started waitress and making a ton of cash$$$$$$. When I went to my high school councilor to talk college she pointed out to me that technically I only needed to take 1 class my second semester to graduate. I started to think of how many good money making hours I was wasting at school when I didn't really need to be there. I looked into it a bit deeper and found that I could take that 1 class at our local junior college and still graduate will all my friends. So that is what I did. I would waitress on M, W & F and then I would go to the junior college on Tu & Th. I still went to all the school dances, football games, etc... Still hung out will all the same friends. And on random days when I wouldn't waitress I would go on campus and have lunch with my friends. Kinda strange, but it worked for me! So here I am with my sweet cat Tiger before heading off to the big ceremony. Oh and yes I was a red head at the time. :)
Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.