

Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.


Not A Nurse - Fixing Up The Boo's Injury

The hubby came home from Sky's Old House injured yesterday. We are so close to the finish line. I was really hoping to get through this project without a hospital visit. The hubby seriously jacked up his hand when loaded a bunch of stuff in the back of a truck for a dump run. He can't move one of his fingers and when he does it sends shooting pain up his arm. Since all of our stuff is in storage we don't have our normal First Aid supplies. So we improvised with a Popsicle stick (ate the Popsicle first), some toilet paper, tape and a White Claw to help with the pain. I told the hubby to go to Urgent Care if he can't move it when he wakes up today. He just laughed at me. Hopefully my nurse skills helped........

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