Who doesn't like to kick off their vacation with a nice trip to the ER??? Yep that is what happened to me on the first day of vacation. We did The Show on Friday December 20th and I was STOKED for two full freaking weeks of vacation. As I drove home from work my mind is filled with all the amazing fun and chill things I am going to do over the next two weeks. I pick my daughter up from school and we head home. I walk into the kitchen to see the hubby elevating his hand with it wrapped in a bloody paper towel. He looks at me with the face that says "we have a problem here but we need to deal with it without freaking out our daughter". So I immediately call our neighbor who is a retired ER nurse. We walk him over and leave him there for a few while I get my daughter situated for what I now know is going to be a long and not fun afternoon. Our neighbor confirms that he does indeed need to go to the ER. They cauterized it (burned it closed) cause they couldn't stop the bleeding. And the poor hubby had a resident doctor working on him that didn't realize that they numbing shots take about 15 minutes to work. It was VERY unpleasant for the hubby when he started burning his finger closed before waiting for the shot to kick in. The hubby said at one point his finger was legit smoking and the doctor and to blow on it to dissipate the smoke. I seriously did not look at his finger until just last night. I'm normally not that squeamish but I just couldn't look at it. So here is what the hubby's finger looks like a full two weeks after going to the ER. Could have been a ton worse. He will now just have one stubby middle finger. My daughter didn't find it funny when we saw a mannequin at the mall this weekend with half a head and I pointed out that unlike her Dad at least it has all ten fingers........
Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.