I think the hubby had a pretty good Father's Day yesterday. Not how I would have spent my day, but we like to celebrate differently. Yesterday he woke up to a pile of new tools that he had requested from Dixieline and a sweet card from our daughter. I made coffee and cinnamon rolls, I did burn the bottom of the rolls but the looked beautiful from the top. Then I asked him what he would like to do next....go in the pool, go for a walk, watch a movie, drink a beer....whatever he wants, it is his day! He says he would really like to go finish working in the garage. We are getting our garage floors done next weekend and he has a bunch of stuff on his to-do list that he wants done first. I told him that if that is what he really wants then he should go for it. He claimed he would only work until around lunchtime, by around 4pm I was forcing him to stop working and just relax. That's my hubby for ya! Here are the new tools the hubby subtlety requested by taking the Dixieline mailer, circling it in Sharpe and leaving it in the middle of the kitchen island........
Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.