Who knew there was a technique to power washing??? My husband, that is who!!!! My husband and I make the perfect couple. I just want to jump in and get something done. He wants to do something slow and steady and make sure it is done perfect. So between the two of us we get stuff done and most of the time, together we get things done right. BUT...there are always growing pains at the start of a project when we must mesh our two styles. Like this past weekend. I really wanted to take out the power washer and spray all the dust off our garage door. We just got the garage floor finished and when they were girding down the layers it made a ton of dust. Picture one is where I just start spraying from the top down with no thought, just turn the puppy on, pull the trigger and start washing. This is when my hubby informed me that my "stream" is too strong and narrow. Guess I needed to pump the handle a few times to get the more spread out stream to cover a bigger area without causing damage. Whatever....I hate when he is right. Wish I would have taken a picture of the finished product. She came out nice and clean!!!!!