Yesterday was so daughter won in the outdoors, socially distanced, masked up pumpkin carving contest at the public school she use to attend before joining a private pod class. If I would have said that sentence a year ago I would have no clue what any of that even meant! So crazy. Yesterday my daughters public school that she has gone to since TK held an outdoor, social distanced, masked up pumpkin carving contest for the 5th grade. Of course it wasn't hosted by the school but an "unofficial" event put on by a group of parents at a public park that happens to be attached to the school. The cool/weird/sad thing is that so many kids have left the school this year that the 5th grade parents invited all the kids to participate that left for a private school option this year....including us. It did get a bit awkward a times when they would want group pictures but then after taking the big group would ask "the kids that have left the school" to step out so they could also get a picture for the yearbook. But I totally get it and it is just super kind of them to still include the kids that have left. I did have a bit of a guilty feeling when my daughter won one of the 3 carving categories. There was Scary, Creative and Goofy and Lovelyn won the Goofy category with her pumpkin throwing up cause he ate too much candy. It was really super nice to see my daughter with all her school friends and to feel part of the community again. Hope everyone has a great Halloween!!!
Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.