Don't let his cuteness fool you! This guy caused so much drama in our house yesterday. The poor hubby woke up yesterday morning to find that Nugget had relieved his entire bladder on our bed. He went through each layer of blankets hoping it didn't go through. By the time he reached the mattress protector for our super fancy mattress he was doing a little prayer. Nope....there was so much freaking liquid that it even went through the mattress protector!!!! It was laundry all day washing all the sheets, blankets, protectors, comforter, etc.. And then we had to keep spraying and blotting the mattress all day. Luckily I didn't smell it anymore when we were done but the hubby (Mr Sensitive Sniffer) claims he still could get a faint whiff. Then this guy had the audacity to get in the way when we were finally making the bed back up last night. He is so lucky that he is cute...........
Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.