Our bathrooms here at work are a bit hit-or-miss. Some days just looks like a normal work place bathroom. Other days....WTF???? Yesterday I was visiting the women's room when I noticed something interesting. Occasionally you will find a can of air freshener in the bathroom. It's never consistently there which makes me think it is something an employee is brining from home. I've never actually looked at it but yesterday for some reason it was in the stall. That is when for the first time I noticed the scent, I had always assumed it was vanilla or something like that but never in a million years would I guess "Moroccan Bazzar". What does that even smell like? Odd choice. I didn't test it for fears that I would then smell like a Moroccan Bazzar for the rest of the day..........
Sky Williams is co-host of The Show on Rock 105.3 FM in San Diego and Q103.3 in Temecula.