fact about your girls Sky, I am a serious worry-wart when it comes to health stuff. I can spin myself out so fast that it is not funny. The amount of health issues I have believed that me and my family members have had are nuts. Google is so amazing yet so horrible at the same time. As you probably know I am skeptical of all things and that includes the medical industry. I believe there is serious shady stuff going on and lost of the "health" stuff we are told we need is just so the pharmaceutical companies can make more money. So my family is very conservative when it comes to any prescription medication as well as vaccinations. But when it was time for our new little puppy Nugget to get his 2nd round of shots on Wednesday I didn't question it. It wasn't till we were on our way out the vet and a guy was bringing his dog in who was having a reaction to his vaccination did I start to get concerned. I do so much research with my daughters vaccinations, why didn't I do more research before this appointment? Do they give all dogs the same amount of vaccine? Nugget isn't even 5 pounds, is the dose based on weight? I told myself to stop being crazy and he will be fine. By Wednesday night he was yelping anytime we picked him up. My mind started going crazy. I could barely sleep Wednesday night and told my daughter to text me an update first thing in the morning. My daughter reported that he was still yelping when she picked him up. If I could have called 911 at that moment and not got arrested I would have. But then I talk to my hubby and he says to chill out and Nugget is fine. After work yesterday I rushed home and I gave him a through exam and I am happy to report he is fine. He was just a bit cranky and sore from the shot. By last night happy to report no more yelping and back to his normal self...........
By sky
By sky
By sky